Full Month
Returns a list of all dates in the given month (31 day period), derived from the specified date-time.
Syntax & Usage
FullMonth(<model member>[, <integer value>])
<model member>
A PQL expression that returns a single member element. The member must exist in the data source; it cannot be a custom member. For the FullMonth function, this should be a member from the dateKey hierarchy.
<integer value OR day flag>
The integer value is the numeric value that determines from which day of the given month the list should start. This is set from the Insert Arguments window under 'Day of month to start from'.

Here the given model member is 2010-08-24, and the start day is 5; the list returned contains all dates from August 5th 2010, up to and including September 4th, 2010 (31 days in total):