Update user settings (ACTIVE DIRECTORY)
{ updateUserAd }
Updates user details in the system for Active Directory Authentication.
- Enterprise Admin
Input Parameters
Object Type
The object used to update an AD/LDAP based user.
Output Response
Successful Result Code
Response Type
Description of Response Type
Generic API response object with success or failure flag and related messages.
Use this only if the Active Directory is used as the authentication provider.

This example demonstrates how to find and add a new user and roles in Pyramid, when using Active Directory authentication.
The example uses API authentication driven from JavaScript. See Authentication APIs for alternatives.
// URL of the Pyramid installation and the path to the API 2.0 REST methods
var pyramidURL = "http://mysite.com/api2/";
// step 1: authenticate admin account and get token.
//This assumes authentication with Windows Authentication SSO. Therefore the account logging on is an admin account.
// NOTE: callApi method is a generic REST method shown below. And inside it, xhttp.withCredentials = true;
let token = callApi("auth/authenticateUserWindows",{},false);
log("got token "+token);
//step 2: Get the defult tenant.
let defaultTenantResult = callApi("access/getDefaultTenant",{
"auth": token // admin token generated above
let tenantId = defaultTenantResult.data;
log("default tenant, id= "+tenantId);
//step 3: search for an active directory user in the AD itself
let searchUsers=callApi("access/searchAdUsers",{
"ldapSearchType": 0, //search type enumeriation. 0 = exact
"auth": token // admin token generated above
let adUser = searchUsers.data[0];
log("adUser = "+adUser.firstName);
//step 4: creating a user using the results from the search in step 3
let createUser = callApi("access/createUserAd",{
"newLdapUser": {
"userName": adUser.userName, //using the search result from step 3 above
"adminType": 0, //admin type
"clientLicenseType": 100,//ClientLicenseType.Viewer
"tenantId": tenantId, //tenant Id from above
"auth": token // admin token generated above
let userId = createUser.data.modifiedList[0].id;
log("created user "+userId);
//step 5: optional, changing the user from Viewer to Professional
let updateUser=callApi("access/updateUsersAd",{
"id": userId,
"auth": token
//step 6: creating 2 roles
let createRole=callApi("access/createRoles",{
"data": [{
"roleName": "role1",
"tenantId": tenantId
"roleName": "role2",
"tenantId": tenantId
"auth": token
let role1 = createRole.data.modifiedList[0].id;
let role2 = createRole.data.modifiedList[1].id;
log("created roles "+role1+","+role2);
//step 7: binding user to role1 from step 6
let addUserToRole=callApi("access/addUserToRole",{
"addUserRoleData": {
"auth": token
//step 8: searchAdGroupsForUser, searching for AD groups of the given user in the given domain
let groups=callApi("access/searchAdGroupsForUser",{
"searchData": {
"auth": token
log("groups of " + adUser.userName" + "+JSON.stringify(groups.data));
let selectedGroup=groups.data[0];
//step 9: add role2 to the AD security group from step 8
let addRoleToAdGroup=callApi("access/changeRoleAdGroupMembership",{
"roleAdGroups": {
"auth": token
log("addRoleToAdGroup "+JSON.stringify(addRoleToAdGroup));
//step 10: optional get all groups by role - this will find the selected Group from step 9
let groupsFound=callApi("access/getGroupsByRole",{
"auth": token
log("found group "+groupsFound.data[0].name);
// ##### optional generic logging method for debugging ##############
function log(msg){
// ##### generic REST API calling method ##############
function callApi(path,data,parseResult=true){
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
//notice we changed callApi and added xhttp.withCredentials = true; to pass the windows credentials
xhttp.withCredentials = true;
xhttp.open("POST", pyramidURL+path, false);
return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
return xhttp.responseText;