
Alerts are a powerful feature that help you track important data. You can easily set up an alert for a data point within a data visualization, and Pyramid will let you know when the value of that data point increases, decreases, or stays the same. Alerts can be configured from both data discoveries and presentations.

Note: this feature is available with Enterprise licensing only.

Build Alerts

To build an alert, right click on the relevant data point. From the context menu, go to Build New Alert, and select one of three options:

  • Alert Me When Up: receive an alert when the value of the selected data point increases.
  • Alert Me When Down: receive an alert when the value of the selected data point stays the same.
  • Alert Me When Same: receive an alert when the value of the selected data point decreases.

The Alert Wizard will open, where you can configure the alert.

Alerts Wizard

  • Name: by default, the alert is named according to the selected data point, but you can change it.
  • When: set the conditions for what will happen when the selected data point us up, down, or the same.
  • Is: choose Up, Down, or Same.
  • Alert Me: select the icon that should represent the status of the alert when the given conditions are met. For instance, if Sales go up, select the green check mark; if Costs go up, select the red X.
    • On Demand: trigger the alert schedule to run when the underlying data model is reprocessed. You must also configure on demand subscriptions for the relevant data models via the Master Flow or APIs.
  • Run Time: choose the time and frequency at which the alert job should run.
  • Send To: have the alert sent to your bulletin board or to your email.
  • Click the save button to commit the alerts job.

Advanced Schedule Settings

Advanced schedule settings can be accessed from My Alerts, found in the Schedule Manager.

Accessing Alerts

Alert outputs can be distributed via the Bulletin Board, or via Email. If distributed to the bulletin board, that can be accessed from your Alerts Board.

Accessing Subscription Content

Users can choose to distribute subscription output via the Bulletin Board, or via email.

Bulletin Board

When subscriptions are distributed via the Bulletin Board, recipients can access them from their own Alerts Board where they can download the content.


When subscriptions are distributed via email, recipients will receive the templated email. According to how the email template was configured they may receive the content as an attachment, and/ or a link to the content in Pyramid.

Managing Alerts

Alerts schedules can be managed and edited from My Alerts, found in the Schedule Manager. You can also access advanced scheduling options here.