- If a user has one or more role profiles, the composite is derived across the profiles, giving the user as much access as provided (the "optimistic" approach).
- If a user has a user profile defined, it overrides any role profiles set otherwise for that user.
Note: User Profiles are not applicable to Viewer Licensed users, since all feature options related to viewers are set as runtime settings in the content itself.
Add a Profile
- Name: Each profile should be given a simple name
- Description: provide a light description of the profile for management purposes
- Tenant Security: Each profile is attached to a specific tenant in a multi-tenant environment, ensuring each tenancy can set up its users according to its own needs.
Profile Settings
Each profile definition has a master switch for each of the apps in the application - Model, Discover, Illustrate, Formulate, Present and Publish - determining whether the Pro user can open these applications and create the associated content. Under these main switches are several sub-switches:
- Add Data Server: this will allow the user to add new data source servers without admin approval or oversight. This switch affects both the modeling tool as well as the "add server" feature i the start-up of Discovery
- Use Machine Learning: this will allow the user to access the ML function panel in the data flow application and its associated ML algorithms
- Create Scripts (r, Python): this will allow the user to access the scripting function panel, create and run various scripting tools (R, Python and SAS)
- Create Custom SQL Scripts (Sql target): allows the user to execute a custom SQL script when the ETL is run
- Execute Process: allows the user to configure and use the "command" node option int he master flow.
- Discover Lite: the user will have access to Discover Lite interface only. In unchecked they will access to the full Discover Pro module.
- Advanced Analytics: this will allow the user to access the advanced analytic options (under Analysis in the Query ribbon) throughout the discovery app - like forecasting, Pareto analysis and trending.
Save Shareable Content: allow the user to share content in the workgroup and public folders.
- Create Formulas, KPI's and Parameters: this will allow the user to build new shared formulas, lists, KPI's and parameters for Discovery
- Create Scripts (R, Python): this will allow the user to build new shared scripts in Python, R and SAS
- Custom Visuals: allows the user to build, share, and see custom visuals
- Smart Publish: allow the user to open the Smart Reporting tool from Publish.
- Select Multiple Items: allows the user to select and run the Multiple option, in order to select multiple slices when scheduling publications
Scheduling: allow the user to schedule publications.
- Smart Present: allows the user to open the Smart Reporting tool from Present.
- Present Lite: the user will have access to Present Lite only. In unchecked they will instead have access to the full Present Pro module.
- Determine whether the user should have access to Illustrate or not.
- Advanced Options: enables advanced functionality across the all the applications, including: the "More" options in drop down menus; Analysis tools, N-of-N, Variable List, Time Intelligence, and Cache Options in Discover; Open Related Content, Copy Link, Embed, Save as New Version, Save & Close from the CMS.
Profiles and Licensing combinations offer a large variety of combination for user deployment. The examples below demonstrate this.