MDX Properties

When working with OLAP and Tabular models, the following windows will appear in the Properties panel:

  • Save Context
  • Format
  • Execution
  • Foreground Color
  • Background Color
  • Dynamic Captions


When working with OLAP and Tabular models, the formatting window offers additional functionality. Aside from offering the ability to select a format string, users can also create a calculated expression, which will be used to determine the format string in the query. Simply check the Calculated Expression option and enter your script in the Format String field.


Solve Order

A solve order can be applied to the custom element, determining the order in which the calculated member will be solved in cases where a calculated member references one other calculated member (that is, where calculated members intersect each other) (that is, where calculated members intersect each other) in the query.

When working in Discover, click Model Formats from the Query ribbon to enable the solve orders that have been set in Formulate.

Scope Isolation

Isolation Mode sets the scope isolation of the custom member. When an MDX script contains calculated members, by default the calculated members are resolved before any session-scoped calculations are resolved and before any query-defined calculations are resolved. The behavior allows client applications to work with cubes that contain complex calculations, without having to take into account the specific implementation of the calculations. However, in certain scenarios, you might want to execute session or query-scoped calculated members before certain calculations in the cube. To accomplish this, set the isolation mode property to "cube" .


Foreground and Background color properties allow users to format their calculated members so that they appear with colors in the grid. These MDX driven formatting options can be used with complex logic to deliver cube defined conditional formatting amongst other things. Click here to learn more.

Dynamic Captions

From the Dynamic Captions window, you can configure dynamic custom member captions that will appear in the visual instead of the custom member name. Click here to learn about this feature,