Function Return Values

The following listing shows each of the different return or 'output' values expected from the various PQL and MDX functions within Pyramid.


A value only two possible values usually 'true' or '1' and 'false' or '0'


The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer

Data Point

A data point, or 'tuple', is a composition representing a selection of one member from one or more columns/attributes in your model. It effectively demarcates a specific data cell in the model, including a measure.


A date value that usually has no time detail or uses '12am'.


A date and time value that includes both data information and specific time information.


A dimension or table is a collection of columns.


An error value indicating the reason for an error.


A hierarchy is usually a column in a dimension/table of a model. A multi-level 'regular' hierarchy is a composite structure of multiple columns. While an attribute hierarchy is typically a single column.


A whole number value. Depending on the function, this can be a value in the range from -2b up to +2b.


A level is usually a single column found in a multi-level 'regular' hierarchy derived from dimensions/tables.


A list or 'set' is a collection of data points or 'tuples' from one or more hierarchies in the model.


A member is an element entity found in a column/hierarchy.


A numeric value that is usually any positive or negative floating number with decimals, but can also include integers.

Numeric List

A list of numeric items usually represented as a collection or array


A simple text or 'string' value, containing alphanumeric characters.

Text List

A list of text or string items usually represented as a collection or array.


A value that will depend on the context in which the function is used. Usually the result is either numeric or text (string), but can include entities like members and lists too.