The select functions enable quick selection of multiple or individual tables.

Use this node to select multiple tables from the data source directly into a destination. Multi Select can only be connected to destination nodes.

The Select node allows you to select a specific individual table. It should be connected to a data source node.

This function allows you to write custom SQL queries against a data source. It can only be connected to data sources that are SQL databases (SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc).
Connect the SQL Query node to the data source node, enter the SQL statement that will be executed against the data source, and press OK.
In the example below, a SQL query has been executed against the PostgreSQL server, to return all results from the Customer Profile table, where income was greater than 50,000.
In this example, a SQL query has been executed against the SQL server, to return 3 columns from 2 tables in the database: product category, product subcategory, and product.

Add the Bottom N node to a table node to include only the bottom n number of rows for the selected table. After connecting the node, name the table, select the number of rows to include, and the columns to include.
To preview the results, make sure the Bottom N node is selected, and in the Preview window click the button.
In the next example, the Bottom n node has been connected to a SQL query node, to return the bottom 3 rows.

Add the Top N node to a table node to include only the top n number of rows. Preview the results by clicking the button in the Preview window, making sure the Top N node is selected.
In the example below, the Top n node is connected to a SQL query node, to return the top 3 rows from that query.