Present Lite Design

The design panel displays a range of design and formatting functions depending the item type selected. For instance, selecting a text box exposes font formatting options, while selecting a shape exposes stroke and fill color options.

Design Menu Functions




Add Interactions


Show and edit interactions between items.

Add Slide


Add a new slide to the presentation.

Canvas Color


Change the canvas color.

Fill Color


Change the fill color for shapes.



Select font type, size, emphasis, color, and header style.



Show or hide legends for visualizations containing a legend.

Miniature Auto


Enable miniature visualization for the given visual when the presentation is opened in the mobile phone app.

Scale to Fit


Scale the data visualization to fit the tile size.

Show Panels


Show or hide visualization panels.

Snap to Grid


Enable snapping of items added to the canvas.

Stroke Color


Select border color for shapes.

Theme Color


Choose a design theme for the presentation.