Message Settings

The messaging page governs the setup of the email and phone texting systems needed to route all messages in the system.

Email Messaging

Enabling email messaging allows several systems to operate including: publication distributions; alerts; conversation notifications; and, administrative notifications.


SendGrid is a convenient cloud hosted emailing service that is easy to setup and use. Plans start at $0 per month and does not require much effort to initialize and deploy.

  • Description: some text useful for tacking issues in the logging.
  • Sender Email: the email address that will be used in emails as the "sender"
  • API Key: this is the specialized key from SendGrid that will enable the service and allow you to send emails from Pyramid using their framework.

SMTP Email Server

Use this option to setup a traditional link to an emailing server.

  • Description of the SMTP server (optional)
  • Sender Email: the email address that will be used in emails as the "sender"
  • SMTP: provide the host server address of the machine hosting the SMTP service (either its IP or FQDN)
  • Port: The SMTP port the host service operates under (usually 25)

If required, the following security options can be added:

  • If the connection to the SMTP server requires authentication - provide the relevant user name and password
  • If the connection will be secured via SSL, check the TLS box.

Testing Email

Once you have setup your email service, provide a test account to check if the system works. Clicking the button will send an email using the systems to the provided address.

User Email Edits

To allow users to change their own email address in the system, check the box.

Mobile Messaging

Enabling SMS messaging allows several systems to operate including: alerts and administrative notifications.


To enable mobile text messaging, select Twilio. Twilio is a cloud service that enables you to programmatically perform communication functions, including sending and receiving text messages.

First, enable phone messaging for SMS:

  • Provide the Twilio Account Sid
  • Provide the Twilio authentication token
  • Enter the Twilio account phone number

Click Apply to confirm your settings.

Testing SMS

Once you have setup your mobile service, provide a test phone number to check if the system works. Clicking the button will send a text message to the provided number.

Administrative Alerts

The system can auto-email or text enterprise admins if resource limits have been exceeded on any machine in the cluster. Before this can be enabled, messaging needs to be configured in the system (either email, mobile or both).

  • To enable this feature check the box.
  • Select which type of mechanism the admins will receive alerts on: email, mobile or both
  • Select the monitoring level: light, medium or high. Increasing the monitoring level can impact performance.

Note: This feature is only available in the Enterprise edition