
Profiles provide a convenient mechanism for admins to control the different authoring work flows and apps pro users can access. Different profiles are defined and then applied at either the role level or user level.

  • If a user has one or more role profiles, the composite is derived across the profiles, giving the user as much access as provided (the "optimistic" approach).
  • If a user has a user profile defined, it overrides any role profiles set otherwise for that user.

Note: User Profiles are not applicable to Viewer Licensed users, since all feature options related to viewers are set as runtime settings in the content itself.

Add a Profile

  • Name: Each profile should be given a simple name
  • Description: provide a light description of the profile for management purposes
  • Tenant Security: Each profile is attached to a specific tenant in a multi-tenant environment, ensuring each tenancy can set up its users according to its own needs.

Profile Settings

Each profile definition has a master switch for each of the apps in the application - Model, Discover, Illustrate, Formulate, Present and Publish - determining whether the Pro user can open these applications and create the associated content. Under these main switches are several sub-switches:


  • Add Data Server: this will allow the user to add new data source servers without admin approval or oversight. This switch affects both the modeling tool as well as the "add server" feature i the start-up of Discovery
  • Use Machine Learning: this will allow the user to access the ML function panel in the data flow application and its associated ML algorithms
  • Create Scripts (r, Python): this will allow the user to access the scripting function panel, create and run various scripting tools (R, Python and SAS)
  • Create Custom SQL Scripts (SQL target): allows the user to execute a custom SQL script when the ETL is run
  • Execute Process: allows the user to configure and use the "command" node option int he master flow.


  • Discover Lite: the user will have access to Discover Lite interface only. If unchecked they will have access to the full Discover Pro module.
  • Advanced Analytics: this will allow the user to access the advanced analytic options (under Analysis in the Query ribbon) throughout the discovery app - like forecasting, Pareto analysis and trending.
  • Save Shareable Content: allow the user to share content in the workgroup and public folders
  • Auto Discovery: the user will have access to Auto Discovery.


  • Create Formulas, KPI's and Parameters: this will allow the user to build new shared formulas, lists, KPI's and parameters for Discovery
  • Create Scripts (R, Python): this will allow the user to build new shared scripts in Python, R and SAS
  • Custom Visuals: allows the user to build, share, and see custom visuals


  • Smart Publish: allow the user to open the Smart Reporting tool from Publish.
  • Select Multiple Items: allows the user to select and run the Multiple option, in order to select multiple slices when scheduling publications
  • Scheduling: allow the user to schedule publications.


  • Smart Present: allows the user to open the Smart Reporting tool from Present.
  • Present Lite: the user will have access to Present Lite only. In unchecked they will instead have access to the full Present Pro module.


  • Determine whether the user should have access to Illustrate or not.


  • Advanced Options: enables advanced functionality across the all the applications, including: the "More" options in drop down menus; Analysis tools, N-of-N, Variable List, Time Intelligence, and Cache Options in Discover; Open Related Content, Copy Link, Embed, Save as New Version, Save & Close from the CMS.


Profiles and Licensing combinations offer a large variety of combination for user deployment. The examples below demonstrate this.