Platform initialization is launched at the end of the main installation phase. It involves creating the first user (who is also set as the initial enterprise admin for the system), the first role (the admin group) and sample settings and data source servers - so the system is operational from the start.
Initial User
By default, the first user added into the system is derived from the ID of the user installing the product. At the initialization stage, the installing user is prompted to supply an initial account name and a password. These credentials are used to access the system for the first time. Once inside, other users can be added and passwords can be changed.
Note that the initial user is added to the first "admin' role group as is also made a member of the "default" tenancy in the system.
Installed Authentication
By default, the system is installed to use the database repository as the authenticating provider and the authentication method is set to "forms". Both of these settings can be changed after the installation from the admin console.
Installed Samples
As part of the initialization, several samples are also installed into the system. Samples include:
- 16 Theme packs for preset color combinations and styles
- A sample content folder is created in the public domain complete with several content file examples
- An initial in-memory server and PostgreSQL database server are added as data sources
In multi-server deployments, the in-memory database is not deployed automatically. Instead it must be added as a data source manually from inside the admin console.
If an alternative database technology is used, the PostgreSQL sample database is not deployed.
Removing Samples