Viewer Interactions

The visualization context menus expose a range of functions, allowing you to dynamically interact with visuals, perform further analysis on-the-fly, and discuss results with other users. Access the context menu by right clicking on the data point with which you want to interact.

Functions Reference


Apply an action that has been configured by the report-builder. Click here to learn about actions.

Build New Alert

Build a new alert for the given data point. This option is only enabled once the presentation has been saved.

Change Visual

Change the visual to visualize the data in a different way. To learn about the different types of visualizations available, click here.


Hide child members of the selected member of a user hierarchy.

Copy Content

copy a chart's raw data, which can then be pasted in Excel. Click on the chart's background to view this option.

Change Visual

This option appears in the context menu in Presentations only. Use it to change the visualization of the selected data discovery.


Dice a member by another hierarchy.

Drill Down

Drill down from the current elements to the next level of elements within a user hierarchy.

Drill Up

Drill up to the previous level of elements within a user hierarchy.

Drill to Level

Drill to a specified level of elements from within a user hierarchy.

Dice, Swap and Add

Simultaneously filter by the current element and drill across to another hierarchy. The attribute by which the visual is dices will appear in the visual, and in the breadcrumb trail.

Expand Down

Expand Down shows the child members of the selected member in the next level down. This is only operational on multi-level hierarchies. The expand functions operate in slightly different ways between OLAP cubes and other data sources.

Eliminate Data Point

Remove the specified data point.

Focus Data Point

Select the specified data point and remove all other data points.

Focus & Descendants

Simultaneously focus on the selected element, and show its descendants.

Selected Members/ Member Selection

Remove a specified element from the query, or focus in on a specified element. You can achieve the same effect by using the element trees to hand pick which elements are visible in the query.

Start New Conversation

Start a new conversation based on the selected member or cell.

Show Conversations

Show conversations for the given member or cell (only appears if a conversation exists, and Conversations have been enabled).

Show Empties

Toggle to show or hide empty cells. This option is only supported for MS OLAP and Tabular models.


View a summary of the selected visual, including its filters (the measures it contains), statistics (the number of columns, rows, and cells it contains), and its metadata.


Where a data interaction has been configured, in order to cross filter visualizations, the Interact button will be enabled.


Use the pivot function to switch columns with rows in a grid, or to switch the x and y axes in a chart.

Quick Filter

Context sensitive filtering of rows or columns based on the selected elements. Filters available are top count, top percent, bottom count, and bottom percent. Any filters in the query will appear on the canvas. To remove a filter, click its context menu and click Remove.

Quick Sort

A context sensitive sorting of rows or columns, based on either values or labels. Any sorting in the query will appear on the canvas. To remove sorting, click its context menu and click Remove.


Add totals rows or columns to a grid.

Related Topics

To learn more about the interactive functions, review the articles listed below:

Drill, Dice, and Expand Functions

Expand Down in Cube Models

Focus and Eliminate

Focus and Descendants

Quick Sort

Quick Filter