Log Settings

Logs are used for tracking events in the system including user entry, transaction and system diagnostics as well as tracking the life cycle of items (audit).

Beware: Logging can slow down the application. The logs should only be activated if they are in use.

Log Types

  • System logging tracks system level messages from the system. This should be left on the "error" mode in normal deployments. Changing system logging to other levels can severely impact performance. Also set the amount of time to keep system logs in the system before they are auto-purged. It is good practice to purge older system logs since they are not useful unless needed ongoing diagnosis.
    • CMS Diagnostic Logging: this switch enables VERBOSE logging of content management events in the system for tracking down complex problems. Although it is tempting to leave CMS diagnostic logging, it HEAVILY impacts performance - it should be turned off unless specifically needed.
  • Debug User Group Performance:tracks the User Group Performance scan details, and provides an audit log for the file system. The log file will be located under the task engine that is running the scan.
    • Verbose Debug Mode: enables VERBOSE logging of the User Group Debugging events in the system for tracking down complex problems. Note that this feature should only be used when scanning the user group performance of specific groups; this feature SEVERELY impacts system performance, and can create log files that are too large to appropriately check.
  • Transaction logging tracks query events associated with every report run on the platform. It provides insight into query performance as well as content usage. This should be left on. Also set the amount of time to keep transaction logs in the system before they are auto-purged. The transaction logs form the basis of the usage analysis in the system, as such it is good practice to keep these logs for longer than a few months.
    • Benchmark logging provides deeper insight into query performance and delineates performance issues at a much greater level than transaction logging. Set the amount of time to keep benchmark logs in the system before they are auto-purged. Although it is tempting to leave benchmarking on, it HEAVILY impacts performance - it should be turned off unless specifically needed. If benchmarking is left on, be sure to auto-purge the logs after a short time.
  • Entry Logging tracks user entry into the application. It monitors failed login attempts and log-outs (if the user uses the formal logout functions in the client)
  • Audit Trail: this log framework tracks all changes made to key objects throughout the system - providing admins with a clear view of when an object was created, changed or deleted, by date and by user. The audit trail logging mechanism attaches buttons through the application for tracking events per relevant object. A "deleted item" log is also provided for viewing all items that have been subsequently removed from the system (including content items).

Log Purge

The purge settings determine how long each log is kept on the system before being purged. It is good practice to purge logs regularly to keep the repository database leaner and meaner. Clicking the Purge buttons will manually purge the logs immediately.