Parameter Mechanism

The parameter mechanism refers to the mechanism by which the parameter elements will be presented and selected in the query.

There are three parameter mechanisms to choose from:

Discrete List

Static Discrete parameters are used when the user needs to pick something from a definitive list of items. They can be used for driving both text and numeric selections throughout the application - including formulas, logic and lists. They can also be global in scope, or attached to a specific data model.

  • Click here to learn more about discrete list parameters.

Continuous List

Static Continuous parameters are used when the user needs to pick something from a list of items, but the listing is based on a numerical range that has only been described by that range. In this way, continuous parameters contain a 'soft' listing of items. As such they can be used for driving only numeric selections throughout the application. They can also be global in scope, or attached to a specific data model.

  • Click here to learn more about continuous list parameters.

Free Input

'Free Input' or free form parameters enable users to enter input into the application using any acceptable value rather than choosing from a predefined list of choices (either statically or dynamically set). For instance, if you are building a visualization to show the top n items in the query, the user can simply type what ever number of items they would like to see rather than pick from a predefined list of choices (like Top 3, Top 10, and Top 25).

  • Click here to learn more about free input parameters.