Content Types

Viewers have access to data discoveries, presentations, and publications that have been shared with them.

Data Discoveries

Discover is the module in Pyramid for users to author and build reports and visualizations, perform ad-hoc, interactive analytics and create content for dashboards and publications.

Viewers can open data discoveries that have been built by other users and shared with them. You can perform dynamic interactions on these discoveries, access extended functionality, print and export, and create scheduled subscriptions.

Depending on the runtime settings configured by the report-builder, you may be able to open the discovery for further analysis in Discover Lite, where you can save your discovery to your own content folder.

Open a Data Discovery

Data discoveries can be opened from the User Hub and from the Content Manager.


Dynamic presentations are authored and shared by users in the Present module. They can include data discoveries, dynamic text, infographics, images, and more.

Viewers can access presentations that have been shared built by other users and shared with them. You can perform dynamic interactions on these discoveries, access extended functionality, print and export, and create scheduled subscriptions.

Depending on the runtime settings configured by the report-builder, you may be able to open data discoveries in the presentation for further analysis in Discover Lite, where you can save your discovery to your own content folder.

Open a Presentation

Presentations can be opened from the User Hub and from the Content Manager.


Publications are authored and shared by users in the Publish module. Like presentations, they can be built using data discoveries, dynamic text, infographics, images, and more.

While viewers cannot open publications, they can subscribe to them, and have the static output delivered on a scheduled basis. You can then download the output, and depending on your preferences, you can click on data discoveries in the publication output to open them in the Discover viewer.

Subscribe to a Publication

To subscribe to a publication, click on it from the Content Manager and configure your subscription in the dialog.