
The main embed client. This object manages the life cycle of the embed content on the host page.


PyramidEmbedClient(host:string): pyramidEmbedClient


PyramidEmbedClient(host:string, username?:string, password?:string, customData?:string): PyramidEmbedClient
  • Use this to create an instance of the embed client object,
  • Host is the URL of the Pyramid instance. Required.
  • Optionally injecting the username and password values can also authenticate the user at the same time. .
  • The optional customdata argument allows developers to inject custom data elements into the user's session.
  • The constructor cannot be called until the library has been loaded

Once instantiated, use the methods and properties below to create and manipulate embedded content or the embedded hub.



  • init - initialize the embed client
  • login - authenticate the user (username and password) against the host and automatically set the embed cookie
  • loginWinAuth - authenticate the user with Windows Kerberos tokens against the host and automatically set the embed cookie
  • loginSAMLAuth - authenticate the user with SAML tokens against the host and automatically set the embed cookie
  • loginOpenIdAuth - authenticate the user with OpenID OAuth tokens against the host and automatically set the embed cookie
  • setAuthToken - manually set the authentication token into the embed cookie
  • getAuthToken - get the authentication token from the embed cookie
  • SetAuthFailureCallback - set a functional call back when authentication fails
Key Methods
  • embed - embed content into the target HTML5 container
    • quickEmbed - simplified function to embed content together with embed client initialization and login
  • hub - embed the hub object into the target HTML5 container. Returns the 'Hub' object.


  • host - get the host address of the current embed client
  • isClientLoaded - gets the status of the embed client
  • isLoggedIn - gets whether the authentication cookie has been set


The following instantiates a new embed client for the target instance of Pyramid

var client = new PyramidEmbedClient("");