Contains (PQL)
Checks if a supplied string contains the sub-string.
- Returned Output: Boolean
- Library: PQL \ Granular \ String
- Version: 2023.00.000
- Compatibility: Pyramid Query Language (PQL) data sources
* Click on the function's arguments above for more details on the input values.
- The column needs to be an attribute with string / text values in the model. (The data type needs to be 'string')
- The search text should be a string in double quotes.
- For details on how to employ and use this function see the custom column overview.
Different Function types
- This function is similar to the PQL semantic and common functions of the same name. However, it operates on a column directly at the grain.
- As a granular function, it is used in the base SQL query itself.
In this example, the Contains function is used to check if the current user's roles contains a certain value ("CEO"), triggering a different column treatment if it does.
If( Contains( UserRoles(), "CEO"), "[OrgChart].[Management]", "[OrgChart].[Cost Centers]" )
This example returns a true/false column if the firstname column contains the string "a".
You can see the effect from this example snippet in column #6 below, based on the source column in positions #1.