Viewer User Profile Settings

The viewer user profile provides view-only access to the Pyramid apps, with the option of defining the level of interactivity for the different viewer user profiles. The viewer user profile is ideal for non-technical users who do not want to create content, but nevertheless require access to created content.

Add a Viewer Profile

Profiles are added from the Admin Console:

  1. In the left-hand menu, select Access > Profiles.
  2. The Profiles admin page opens.

  3. From the row of tabs at the top of the page, select Viewer.
  4. Your selection here indicates the type of user that this profile applies to. For more information about user types, see User Types.

  5. Click Add Profile at the top-right of the page.
  6. The Add Profile panel opens at the bottom of the page.

  7. Specify the basic details of the profile:
    • Name: Each profile should be given a simple name.
    • Description: Provide a light description of the profile for management purposes.
    • Tenant Security: Each profile is attached to a specific tenant in a multi-tenant environment, ensuring each tenancy can set up its users according to its own needs.
  8. For each app, and then for general, select the name in the central column and specify Access and features as needed.
  9. See below for details of the Access and Features settings.

  10. Once you are happy with your selections, click Save.

The profile is created with your name and Access and Features settings.

Access and Features

Set the interactivity level to the appropriate level for your Viewer users:

  • High: Allows the user to interact with data discoveries and presentations, and to subscribe to Publications, and build reports in Discover Lite, Present Lite, and Publish Lite.
  • Low: Grants user access to the following runtime settings in Discover and Present: drill-up and drill-down, expand and collapse, dice, quick sort, quick filter, pivot, totals, interact, actions, conversations, metadata info, show warnings, print or export, subscribe.

Other Profile Settings

  • Click here to view Pro User Profile Settings
  • Click here to view Analyst User Profile Settings