App Tab Quick Open

Quick Open (green arrow below) opens a quick view of the content explorer where you can easily navigate around the content items available to you in the Content Manager and open those items in a new Tab.

Open Quick Open panel

  1. Click the Quick Open icon in the App Tabs.
  2. The Quick Open panel opens upwards from the Main Navigation.

  3. Search for your content item using the Quick open functions:
    • You can navigate quickly through the folder tree, favorites, and recent items to find and open required content (red highlight).
    • You can also locate content items using the search bar (blue arrow). By default, the search tries to match the beginning of your search term, so if you enter "sch" it searches for content items whose name starts with "sch." However, if you type "*sch" (prefixing with an asterisk) it searches for content items whose name contains "sch" anywhere.
  4. Click on a content item to open it in a new tab.