The Conversation tools available from Discover Lite, Discover Pro, and Present allow you to create conversation threads with other users or roles. A new conversation is created by commenting on a report, member, or data cell. You can then assign specified users or roles to the conversation, and those recipients can participate in the conversation thread from the given visual or presentation, or from the Conversations Board.
The conversation tools facilitate user collaboration and communication directly from the data set, helping turn data findings into actionable analytics.
Start a Conversation
To start a conversation, right click on the member or data cell that you want to comment on. From the context menu, select 'Start New Conversation':
Note: This option might be disabled by an Admin, in which case this option does not display.
Alternatively, if you wish to comment at the report level, open the main Conversations panel from the main ribbon (green arrow below). Click the 'Start New Conversation' button (blue arrow) to create a report level conversation.
Note that the 'Start New Conversation' button will only be enabled is the report has been saved,
Once you've select 'Start New Conversation' from one of the above methods, you'll be able to create and share your comment. This involves configuring the following fields:
- To: select the roles or users that you want to send your comment to.
- Comment For: by default this is based on the report title.
- Comment: write your message in this field.
- Report specific comment: enable if the comment should be visible for the given member or data cell in the current report only. Disable if it should appear in on the given member or data cell in all reports in which it appears.
- Description: by default this is the member, data cell, or report being commented on.
- Expiration Date: add an expiration date to the conversation. If you don't want it to expire, select 'None'.
- Email Participants: enable this option to send your comment not only via the Bulletin Board but also via email.
- Choose none if no email is to be sent to a participant.
- Choose On Creation to send an email alert to participant you've added to the conversation.
- Choose On Creation and Every Comment to send an email alert to a participant you've added to the conversation both on creation and for every new comment added. For all options, participants will receive a bulletin board alert to notify them of the new conversation.
- Save Data Snapshot: store the results of the query at the time the conversation comment was submitted. When this option is selected, a visual snapshot is also saved by default.
- Save Discovery Snapshot: store the query structure at the time the conversation comment was submitted. It is possible to select this option without also saving a data snapshot.
Show Conversations
Enable Conversations from the main ribbon to denote any existing conversations at the member or cell level. If the current visualization is a grid, existing conversations will be designated by the conversation icon on the corner of the relevant cells (blue arrows below).
If the current visualization is a chart, the conversation icon will appear in the tooltip rather than in the visual.
Enabling Conversations from the ribbon also opens the Conversations panel which lists all conversations for the current visual. Click on the relevant listing to open the required conversation.
Alternatively, right click on the cell where the conversation is and select 'Show Conversations' from the context menu:
Conversations Feed
Open the Bulletin Board and then go to the Conversations Board, where you can access all your conversations.
Learn More About Conversations
To learn more about conversations, following the links below to the relevant documentation in the Discover Pro section of the help: