Manage Actions

Actions are managed via the Actions panel of the relevant data discovery. To edit or delete an action that was built in Pyramid, start by opening the discovery in which it was configured.

Copy and Paste Actions

You can replicate the same action across multiple discoveries and publications using the copy and paste functions. This allows you to apply an existing action to another report. This way, you avoid configuring the same action multiple times.

  • Copy All: copy all actions to clipboard, and then paste them into the Action Panel of another presentation.
  • Paste: enabled if you have copied an action to clipboard.
Action Context Menu

Open an actions' context menu to:

  • Copy: copy the selected action to clipboard, and then paste it into the Action Panel of another presentation.
  • Delete: delete the action.

Edit Actions

To edit an action that was built in Pyramid, start by opening the Actions panel from the Report ribbon, then:

  1. From the Action List, click the action that you want to edit.
  2. Work through the Actions wizard to make the required changes. Click Apply to save changes.

Delete Actions

To delete an action that was built in Pyramid, open the Action Panel, and:

  1. Find the relevant action in the Action List and click its X.
  2. To save changes, click Apply.