Sort and Filter Hierarchies
You can easily filter and sort your hierarchy selection, in order to find specific information that you're interested in.
For instance, you may be more interested in finding out the top 25% of products, rather than reading through the sales figures for each product. In this case, you can opt to display only the top 25% of elements in the Products hierarchy, as in the example below. And to make the resulting visual easier to consume, you can sort the filtered selection in descending order of value.
Sort and Filter selections are reflected on the visualization canvas (blue highlight above), providing context so that readers can easily understand what data is being displayed. You can remove these from the canvas by clicking the 3 ellipses and clicking Remove. This will not affect the underlying sort or filter selection.
Sort Selections
Sort Types
You can sort the hierarchy alphabetically (either in order or reverse-alphabetical order), or numerically (either ascending or descending).

'Sort Top A - Z' sorts the hierarchy alphabetically:
'Sort Bottom A - Z' sorts the hierarchy in reverse-alphabetical order:
'Sort Top Numerically' sorts the hierarchy in ascending order of value:
'Sort Bottom Numerically' sorts the hierarchy in descending order of value:
Filter Selections
You can also filter the hierarchy before adding it to the discovery. For instance, you may want to display only the top 20% of sales for the hierarchy, rather than all elements in the hierarchy.
Filtering your hierarchy selections enables you to pinpoint areas of both high performance and under-performance. To add a filter, enter the required numeric value and click the filter.
Filter Types
There are three kinds of filters to choose from:
Count: the top or bottom number of elements. For instance, the top 5 elements, or the bottom 10 elements.
Percent: the top or bottom percent of elements. For instance, the top 10% of elements, or the bottom 20% of elements.
Sum: the top or bottom elements that sum to the given value. For example, the top selling elements that accounted for $5,000 000 in sales, or the bottom selling elements that accounted for %2,000 000 in sales.

Top Count was used to display the top 4 manufacturers:
Bottom Count was used to display the bottom 4 manufacturers:
Top Percent was configured to display the top 25% of manufacturers:
These 3 elements make up the top 25% of manufacturers by sales:
Here, Bottom Percent was used to show the bottom 25% of manufacturers:
The Top Sum filter was configured to show the top selling manufacturers that accounted for $2,500 000 in Sales:
The combined sales of these 2 top-selling manufacturers summed to 2,500 000:
Here, the Bottom Sum filter was used to find out which bottom-selling manufacturers accounted for $2,500 000 in sales:
Sort Filter Selections
Users can also apply sorting to filter selections, by opening the next sub-menu from the required filter. This enables you to filter the elements in the given hierarchy, and then sort those elements as required.
In this example, a Top Percent filter and a numeric sort are applied to the Manufacturer hierarchy:
The result is that the top 50% of manufacturers by sales are displayed, and sorted in descending order of value: