Add Date/ Time

Use the Add Date/ Time node to add an additional column containing a single specified date or date/ time. The node can be used to display the current date/ time, or a given date/ time, with each row in the column displaying the same value. This function is useful if you want to add provide end-users with a column indicating the date/ time that the data model was processed, for example. This allows them to build reports that indicate how recent the data is.

The Add Date/ Time node may be added to any of the Select nodes (excluding Multi Select); it does not require an existing date-time column in the table to which it is connected.

Other Date Time Functions

The Add Date Time node differs from the Date Range node, in that it adds a column in which each row lists the exact same date or date/ time. The Date Range node, on the other hand, is used to add a column that lists a range of consecutive dates based on an existing date-time column, or based on a given start and end date.

  • Click here to learn about the Date Range node.

The Add Date Time node also differs from the Time Intelligence node, which is used to generate a variety of date-time columns based on different date parts, like year, quarter, month, etc.

  • Click here to learn about the Time Intelligence node.

How to Configure the Add Date/ Time Node

Connect the Add Date/ Time node to the Select node representing the relevant table. Go to the Properties panel to configure the node:

  • Column Name: provide a name for the new column.
  • Current date & time: generate a date/ time column based on the current date and time.
  • Current date: generate a date column based on the current date.
  • Choose date & time: generate a date/ time column based on a given date and time. This can be a date and time in the past or in the future.
  • Choose date: generate a date/ time column based on a given time. This can be a date in the past or in the future.