This example demonstrates how to update data flow objects and execute flows in Pyramid.
The example uses API authentication driven from JavaScript. See Authentication APIs for alternatives.
var pyramidURL = "";
const DEMO_FILE = 'url/test.pie';
const FILE_NAME = 'test';
const token = callApi(
userName: 'pyramid user name',
password: 'password',
log('got token ' + token);
const defaultTenant = callApi('access/getDefaultTenant', "",token);
const tenantPublicFolder = callApi('content/getPublicOrGroupFolderByTenantId', {
validRootFolderType: 1,
tenantId: defaultTenant,
const folderCreation = callApi('content/createNewFolder', {
folderName: 'new folder',
const folderId = folderCreation.modifiedList[0].id;
const findRole = callApi('access/getRolesByName', {
searchValue: 'role 1',
searchMatchType: 2,
const roleId = findRole[0].roleId;
log('found role with id= ' + roleId);
roleToItemApiData: {
itemId: folderId,
roleId: roleId,
const pieFile = readPieFile(DEMO_FILE);
const importContent = callApi('content/importContent', {
rootFolderId: folderId,
fileZippedData: pieFile,
clashDefaultOption: 1,
rolesAssignmentType: 3,
log('import file completed');
const findContentItem = callApi('content/findContentItem', {
searchString: FILE_NAME,
filterTypes: [4],
searchMatchType: 2,
searchRootFolderType: 1,
const itemId = findContentItem[0].id;
log('found the file by name: item ID is ' + itemId);
const validationResult = callApi('dataSources/validateMasterFlow', {
itemId: itemId
const serverId = '7385130a-d87f-404d-816b-5c296c27b4ad';
if (validationResult.sources.length > 0) {
log('create server');
const createResult = callApi('dataSources/createDataServers', [
id: serverId,
serverName: 'apiMashwinds',
serverType: 5,
serverIp: '',
port: 1433,
writeCapable: 1,
securedByUser: false,
serverAuthenticationMethod: 0,
userName: 'sa',
password: 'snap3535!',
useGlobalAccount: false,
overlayPyramidSecurity: false,
log('fixing sources');
const sourceObject = validationResult.sources[0];
const modifiedItemsResult = callApi('dataSources/updateSourceNodeConnection', {
dataFlowNodeId: sourceObject.dataFlowNodeId,
serverId: serverId,
databaseName: sourceObject.databaseName,
log('fixing targets');
if (validationResult.targets.length > 0) {
const targetObject = validationResult.targets[0];
const res = callApi('dataSources/updateTargetNodeConnection', {
useExistingDatabase: false,
itemId: itemId,
dataFlowNodeId: targetObject.dataFlowNodeId,
serverId: serverId,
databaseName: 'NewDbExample',
log('fixing variables');
if (validationResult.variables.length > 0) {
const variableObject = validationResult.variables[0];
const res = callApi('dataSources/updateVariableConnection', {
itemId: itemId,
variableName: variableObject.variableName,
serverId: serverId,
log('execute master flow');
const executeMasterFlowResult = callApi('dataSources/executeMasterFlow', {
itemId: itemId,
const scheduleId = executeMasterFlowResult.scheduleId;
let inProgress = true;
let counter = 0;
while (inProgress && counter < 60) {
const masterFlowProgressUpdate = callApi('dataSources/getMasterFlowProgressUpdate', scheduleId, token);
const taskStatus = masterFlowProgressUpdate.taskStatus;
if (
taskStatus == null ||
taskStatus == 0 ||
taskStatus == 4
) {
setTimeout(() => console.log('sleep'), 1000);
log('taskStatus: ' + taskStatus + ' counter: ' + counter);
} else {
log('Execute finish - ' + taskStatus);
inProgress = false;
function log(msg) {
document.write(msg );
function callApi(path,data,token="",parseResult=true){
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", pyramidURL+path, false);
return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
return xhttp.responseText;
function readPieFile(file) {
var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', file, false);
if (rawFile.readyState === 4 && rawFile.status === 200) {
return rawFile.responseText;