Today (PQL)

Returns a current date as a Date value .

  • Returned Output: Date
  • Library: PQL \ Granular \ Date-Time
  • Version: 2023.00.000
  • Compatibility: Pyramid Query Language (PQL) data sources



  • This function has no arguments. It computes the result based on the actual current date (ignoring time).
  • The function is mostly used in conjunction with other date-time logic to generate values, like elapsed time etc.
  • For details on how to employ and use this function see the custom column overview.
Different Function types
  • This function is similar to the PQL semantic and common functions of the same name. However, it operates on a column directly at the grain.
  • As a granular function, it is used in the base SQL query itself.
  • Also see the Now function.


This example returns a column with the current date.


In the example below, the 8th column represents the exact date that the report was generated. Note that its the same value for all rows.