If (PQL)

Evaluates a logical expression, returning the one result if true, or another if false. 

  • Returned Output: Variant
  • Library: PQL \ Granular \ Logical
  • Version: 2023.00.000
  • Compatibility: Pyramid Query Language (PQL) data sources


If( <Criteria> , <TRUE> , <FALSE> )

* Click on the function's arguments above for more details on the input values.

  • Criteria: A logical check to evaluate. This argument can be a simple or complex logical statement made up of columns, values, other functions, and operators.
  • TRUE: The result that will be returned if the criteria evaluates to true. The result argument can be a simple or complex statement made up of columns, other functions or values.
  • FALSE: The result that will be returned if the criteria evaluates to false. The result argument can be a simple or complex statement made up of columns, other functions or values.
  • For details on how to employ and use this function see the custom column overview.
Different Function types
  • This function is similar to the PQL semantic and common functions of the same name. However, it operates on a column directly at the grain.
  • It is also similar to the CASE and SWITCH functions.
  • As a granular function, it is used in the base SQL query itself.


This example checks if the values in the price column are 15% higher than the values in the cost column. If they are, it returns the word "profits," otherwise it returns the word "losses."

If( [transactions].[Price]>([transactions].[Cost]*1.15) , "profits" , "losses" )

You can see the effect from this example snippet in the if column #4, based on the Price and Cost columns in positions #2 and #3. (It effectively does the opposite of the not column at position #5.