AllMembers (PQL)

Returns a list of every element from the specified hierarchy / attribute or level.

  • Returned Output: List
  • Library: PQL \ Semantic \ List
  • Version: 2020.10.000
  • Compatibility: Pyramid Query Language (PQL) data sources


AllMembers( <Hierarchy> )


AllMembers( <Level> )

Syntax Alternatives

<Hierarchy> .AllMembers()


<Level> .AllMembers()

* Click on the function's arguments above for more details on the input values.

  • The hierarchy name needs to be its unique name in the format: [dimension].^[hierarchy] or [table].[column].
  • The level name needs to be its unique name in the format: [dimension].^[hierarchy].^[level].
  • For details on how to employ and use this function see the semantic calculation overview.

This function is like the MDX "members" function - retrieving the members of the specified object.


This example retrieves all the members in the Manufacturer attribute:

AllMembers( [manufacturers].[manufacturer] )

This example retrieves all the members in the County level of the geography hierarchy:

[Customer].^[Geo Hierarchy].^[County].AllMembers()