Auto Interact

The basic function of the Auto Interact option is to allow Pyramid to automatically add interactions to your presentation as you add the relevant content items to your canvas. When this option is enabled, Pyramid creates interactions between slicers and visuals, visuals and other visuals, and between slicers or visuals and dynamic assets, without you needing to do anything at all. This means that your presentation is created with all the standard cross-filtering and cross-highlighting that your users will typically want to make use of at runtime.

In addition to the Auto Interact option itself, there are also some options to "rewire" the content items in the presentation on the sub-menu. You can use these options to create interactions in retrospect, as if content items had been added with Auto Interact enabled.

Note: Auto Interact is applied at the content level. This means that you can disable it, add a given content item without an interaction being created, and then enable it again afterward. The content item that was added while Auto Interact was disabled is not created just because you enabled the facility. Auto Interact must be enabled when the content items are added for the interaction to be created.

  • Click here to learn more about the runtime effects of interactions

Relevant content items

When you add the following content items to your canvas with Auto Interact enabled:

  • Interactions are added from slicers to visuals (including to Tabulate visual areas).
  • Cross-visual interactions are added in both directions between visuals (not including Tabulate visual areas).
  • Interactions are added from slicers to dynamic assets. (Note: A dynamic web panel must have a defined dynamic URL for the interaction to be created automatically.)

Auto Interact

You can toggle Auto Interact on or off (green arrow) from either the Presentation ribbon (purple arrow) or the Slide ribbon (orange arrow):

Enabling Auto Interact

Auto Interact is typically enabled by default (subject to administration).

  • Click Auto Interact (green arrow, above) to enable the auto interaction functionality.
  • You should ensure Auto Interact is enabled before you add content items whose interactions you want to create automatically.

Tip: View the auto interactions that have been created by clicking Show Interactions (yellow arrow above) from the Presentation or Slide ribbon.

Disabling Auto Interact

If you want to add your interactions manually, you can disable Auto Interact from the Presentation or Slide ribbon:

  • Click Auto Interact to disable the auto interaction functionality.
  • Now, when you add content items to the canvas, no interactions are created. You will need to create any interactions you require manually using either the Interaction Picker or Interaction Manager.

Manually add interactions

When you disable Auto Interact, you may need to use the Interaction Picker or Interaction Manager to add interactions manually.

  • Click here to learn more about the Interaction Picker
  • Click here to learn more about the Interaction Manager

Rewiring interactions

You can open the Auto Interact sub-menu from either the Presentation ribbon or the Slide ribbon (purple arrow) to use the rewiring options:

Rewire visible interactions

This option re-creates or creates all the interactions on the current slide as if Auto Interact were enabled when each content item was added. This is useful if you previously disabled interactions, or removed some or all interactions from the slide, but now you want to create all those interactions:

  • Click the Auto Interact drop-down (yellow arrow, above) and select Rewire Visible Interactions from the sub-menu.
  • All interactions are added to the current slide that would have been created if the Auto Interact option were enabled when you added the content items.

Rewire all interactions

This option re-creates or creates all the interactions on the current slide as per the previous option, but also creates or re-creates all the interactions between the hidden slicers and other content items:

  • Click the Auto Interact drop-down (yellow arrow, above) and select Rewire All Interactions from the sub-menu.
  • All interactions are added to the current slide as described above, and are also added between any hidden slicers and other content items.