Date (PQL)
Returns a current date as a value .
- Returned Output: Text
- Library: PQL \ Common \ Date-Time
- Version: 2020.10.000
- Compatibility:
- Can be combined with and other PQL function throughout the application.
- It CANNOT be used with MDX or VBA functions. But it can be used on MDX-based content in other parts of the application.
- The function takes no inputs.
- This function is often used in conjunction with other date functions to perform operations when the date or time need to be determined at the time of execution.
Different Function types
- To create a date value using string representations of time, see StringtoDateTime (PQL).
- To create a date from specific year, month, and day numbers use CreateDate (PQL)
- To get the current date member, use the Semantic library function.
This example returns the current date "2019-Apr-08"