Checks if two strings match.
- Returned Output: Boolean
- Library: PQL \ Common \ String
- Version: 2018.00.000
- Compatibility:
- Can be combined with and other PQL function throughout the application.
- It CANNOT be used with MDX or VBA functions. But it can be used on MDX-based content in other parts of the application.
Equals( <Text> , <Search Text> )
* Click on the function's arguments above for more details on the input values.
- The text and search text strings can be any alphanumeric set of characters.
- The method returns true if the result is positive. Otherwise it returns false.
Different Function types
- See related functions: StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains,
This example returns true because the input string "APple", in lower case matches the second string "apple"
Equals(ToLower("APple"), "apple")