Data Labels

Use the data labels options to show or hide data labels, and to customize data label fonts, colors, formats, and more. The Data Labels options are available for all charts, bubble and heat maps. To learn about shape map data labels, click here.

Formatting Data Labels

Data labels can be adjusted from both the Formatting panel and the Component ribbon.

Formatting Panel

Turn on Data Labels

Data labels are disabled by default. Start by turning them on by selecting the Data Labels checkbox at the top of the panel (purple highlight above). Data labels can also be enabled or disabled from the Component ribbon.

Position the Labels

From the Position drop-down (green highlight above), choose the position of the data labels.

  • Optimized: Pyramid will determine the optimal data label settings.
  • Inside: place data labels inside the chart segments.
  • Outside: place data labels outside the chart segments.
  • Inside Top: (supported for column charts only) place data labels inside the top of each column.
  • Inside Middle: (supported for column charts only) place data labels inside the middle of each column.
  • Inside Bottom: (supported for column charts only) place data labels inside the bottom of each column.
  • Outside: place data labels outside the chart segments.

Label Font

Adjust font type, size, and style for the data labels (blue highlight above).

  • Font: change the font type.
  • Size: change the font size.
  • Style: change the font style (bold, italics, or color).
  • Background Color: change the background color for data labels.


Adjust the content of the data labels (yellow highlight above). By default, data labels show the numeric value of each segment, but you can add more information to the labels.

  • Value: set the units for the data labels. Choose Auto to let Pyramid set the units, or select thousands, millions, or billions. Choose Off if you don't want to display units.
  • Series: add the data series to the label (this will correspond to the legend).
  • Category: add the hierarchy category to the label (this will correspond to the categories on the x-axis).

Choose the Data Series

If the report features a legend driven by a hierarchy in the color drop zone, a data series drop down will appear (red highlight above). To apply formatting changes to every series in the report, make changes will the selection is set to Default.

If you want to make changes to a given series only, select the relevant series before applying formatting changes (as in the image below). You can then show or hide data labels for the given series (ref highlight below), and apply any formatting changes as required.

You can further edit each data series using the color formatting capabilities (when selecting Color from the Formatting panel drop-down.

  • Click here to learn more about legends.
  • Click here to learn about series editing.

Component Ribbon

Toggle data labels on and off from the Component ribbon:


In this example, data labels were positioned outside and bolded:

Here, we have a column cart with both categories (Manufacturers on the x-axis) and series (Promotion Category in the legend). Data labels were enabled and their default settings were not changed:

Here, the data labels were formatted differently for each data series. For Customer (in blue) the labels were simply bolded. For No Discount (in red), the labels were placed outside, with a background color applied, and both series and category were enabled. For Reseller (in yellow) the labels were placed at the top and italicized, and the series label was enabled.