
The Properties panel displays the properties of the currently selected data flow node. The options exposed from the panel will depend on the type of node that is selected. For instance, if you click on a Source node, you'll be able to connect to a data source; if you click on a Python node, you'll be able to configure a Python script.

All nodes that you add to the Data Flow must be configured from the Properties panel.

Data Source

When a data source node is selected, the Properties panel is used to connect to a database, file, or URL (depending on the source type). Once you've connected to the source, the Properties panel will display the source's tables.

Select whichever tables should be added to the data flow, either as Select nodes or as Multi-Select nodes.

A description may be added below.

Select and Multi-Select Nodes

Tables are added to the data flow as Select or Multi-Select nodes. When a Select node is clicked, the Properties panel displays following:

  • Result Properties: the name that will be given to the table in the new data model; you can change the table name here if required.
  • Select: the table that is represented by the node; you can select a different table from the drop-down to change the table selection.
  • Column Selection: the columns in the table; un-check any columns you don't want to copy into the new model.
  • Set Variable Values: create variables to enable incremental loading when the data model is reprocessed later. Click here to learn more.
  • Description: add a description.

When a Multi-Select node is clicked, the Properties panel displays following:

  • Result Properties: lists the table names that will be given to each table in the new data model; you can change the table names here if required.
  • Select Multiple: lists all the tables represented by the Multi-Select node; deselect any tables that you don't want copied into the new data model.
  • Description: add a description.


When the target node is selected, the Properties panel is used to select or create the database where the new data model will be stored.

The panel also displays a list of tables that will be copied from the data source to the new model; you can determine whether the table should be erased and replaced, or new rows appended when the model is re-processed.

  • Click here to learn more about targets.

Other Nodes

All other nodes also require configuration in the Properties panel. Depending on the node, this configuration may be simple - as with the Sort node, for instance - or it may be more intricate - as with configuring a Machine Learning node.

For details on setting the properties of other nodes, refer to the relevant articles.