User Defaults

User defaults are a set of options to drive the basic user experience for Pro users. These can be set administratively for all new users, and then customized by each user for themselves.

Setting User Defaults

To open the User Defaults panel:

  1. From the home menu on the home page, click User Settings (purple arrow below). The System Info panel opens.
  2. Click the User Defaults tab to switch to the User Defaults view (green highlight).
  3. Specify your defaults as required. You can navigate between the options using the tabs on the left of the panel (red highlight).

Restore User Defaults

Use the Restore Defaults option to reset your User Defaults to match the User Defaults set up by your Administrator. Note: This action "restores" the settings back to match those that are currently defined in the Admin Console. This may not match the user's defaults on creation.

Default Options

Content Manager

  • Presentation Dashboard Launcher: sets how dashboards should load up from the content explorer:
    • Slides View Mode: clicking on a presentation will show a preview of all its slides; open the presentation in edit mode, or click on a slide to open the presentation in runtime from the selected slide.
    • Direct: clicking on a presentation will open it in runtime from the first slide.
  • Default Content View: sets which view of the content manager to start with when a user first accesses the content system.
  • Inherit Roles on Copy/Paste: content inherits the Role security of the folder that it is copy/pasted into.
  • Inherit Roles on Cut/Paste and Move: content inherits the Role security of the folder that it is cut/pasted and moved into.


  • Single Click / Touch: users can interact with visualizations via the selection tools and the context menus. Select a data interaction type that should occur with a single left mouse click.
  • Double Click: select a data interaction type that should occur with a double left mouse click.
  • Slicer: set the default slicer type; when a new slicer is configured, it will use the default type. Slicers can be edited and visualized as a different type.
  • Slicer Elements Limit: set the maximum number of elements to be returned by a slicer.
  • Row Limit: set the maximum number of rows retrieved by the query.
  • Visual: set the default visual; when building queries in Discover, they will automatically be displayed with the default visual.
  • Grid Design: set the default grid design.
  • Color Logic: set the default color logic for the color drop zone.
  • Tree Mode: how multi level hierarchies are displayed, Tree, Flat, Optimized.
  • Slicer Execution: define whether slicer's default execution should be automatic or manual.
  • Query Execution: define whether query execution should be automatic or manual.
  • Default Tooltip: automatically show or hide the default tooltips.
  • Empties: automatically show or hide empty cells in the query when working with MS OLAP or Tabular data models.
  • Chart Scale Starts From: define the default start for chart axis scales; either 0 or automatic.
  • Display Property Names in Column Caption: define whether to show or hide the property names in brackets next to the column caption. Click here to see how you can use cube-defined (SQL Server Analysis Services or SAP BW) hidden hierarchy properties as alternative captions for elements in the hierarchy - affecting the way they appear in the application, in visualizations and in slicers.



  • Choose Language: set the language to the cube's default language, or to the application language (the currently selected language in Pyramid).


  • Context Heuristics: automatically enable context heuristics when working with MS OLAP or Tabular data models.
  • Model Colors: automatically enable model colors when working with MS OLAP or Tabular data models.
  • Model Formats: automatically enable model formats when working with MS OLAP or Tabular data models.
  • Calculated Members: automatically include calculated members from the cube structure in the query.
  • Sub Query Mode: automatically enable sub query mode when working with MS OLAP or Tabular data models.
  • Optimize Totals: automatically enable optimize totals when working with MS OLAP or Tabular data models.




  • New Context Menu: toggle to enable or disable the updated context menus in Discover and Present. The new context menus are streamlined to provide a smoother user experience.
  • Note: New installations automatically display the New Context Menu view. However, existing installations retain the old context menu view, so you must explicitly choose the new context menu, if that is what you want displayed.

  • Sort Servers List: drop-down that determines the default sort order for the Servers List. The list can be sorted by name, by server type, or by folder.
  • Chatbot Audio Response: toggle to enable or disable the spoken / audio responses from the Chatbot throughout Pyramid. If you want to override this setting on a case-by-case basis, use the Mute button in the Chatbot to mute and unmute the response.