Data Filters
You can add data filters to your discovery in order to filter the discovery by the desired element. This is different from a filtered hierarchy selection, because rather than adding the filtered hierarchy elements to the visualization, they are used to generate a slicer or a background filter. Slicers are added to the canvas, and display a list of the selected elements; when an element in the slicer list is selected, the visual is filtered by that element.
If a single element from the hierarchy is selected as a filter, it is used to generate a background filter. A background filter is used to filter the discovery by the chosen element. This is useful when you want to constrain the discovery to a specific element. For instance, you may want to see Product Sales in your region only; in this case, you can add your region (say, Australia), as a background filter.
The discovery below contains 2 background filters: Australia from the Country hierarchy, and Slicenger from the Manufacturer hierarchy (red highlight). It also has a slicer, made up of the elements from the Promotion Type hierarchy (green highlight).
Add a Filter
To add a filter, open the Data Selection Panel and go to the Filter tab; open the dimension containing the hierarchy you want to use as a filter; click the hierarchy's arrow to open its filter sub-menu, where you can choose from one of 4 filter types:
All: add all elements in the hierarchy to the slicer.
Custom: add only selected elements to the slicer. Clicking Custom will open the custom filter sub-menu; select the elements to include in the filter and click OK.
Top Count: add the top n elements to the slicer, aggregated by the data model's default measure. For instance, add the top 5 stores, or the top 10 products by sales.
Bottom Count: add the bottom n elements to the slicer, aggregated by the model's default measure. For example, the 10 wost-selling products.
You can enable or disable the slicer by toggling its filter icon. In this example, the slicer is enabled:
Here, the slicer has been disabled:
Slicer Settings
You can manage the slicer by opening its settings dialog; click the slicer's context menu and select Settings.
From the Slicer Settings dialog, you can change the slicer title and type. Click here to learn more about changing the slicer settings.
Slicer Styles
To access the styles dialog, open the slicer's context menu and select Styles.
From the Slicer Styles dialog you can change slicer's font and background color, change the slicer title location, and show or hide the slicer title icon. Click here to learn more about slicer styles.
Remove Slicers
To remove a slicer, open its context menu and select Remove (blue highlight below). Alternatively, remove the slicer's chip from the Item Selection Bar (green highlight).
Background Filters
If you select a single measure from the hierarchy custom filter panel, a background filter will be produced:
You can add multiple background filters, by selecting a single measure from different hierarchies. Each background filter will be listed on the canvas, and in the breadcrumb trail: .
Remove Background Filters
To remove all background filters, open the background filter context menu and click Remove All (blue highlight below). Alternatively, you can remove a single background filter by removing its chip from the Item Selection Bar (green arrows).