Optimizing for Device Types in Present Pro

Pyramid's responsive presentation design ensures that presentations are always loaded in the format appropriate to the device used to access them. Whether or not a presentation has been optimized for the current device type, it will automatically be opened in the format of the current device. For example, a presentation that was built and optimized for tablets will be loaded in desktop format if it's opened on the desktop; a presentation built for desktop use will automatically open in mobile format when accessed from the mobile phone app.

That said, it is preferable to optimize your presentations for the required device type, to ensure that the content placement and visibility is suited to the device type. It will also ensure that any dynamic assets in the presentation will be visible when it's opened in the mobile app.

Choose device

You will choose the device type for a presentation:

  • When you create a new presentation, you are prompted to choose the main device type in the New Presentation wizard.
  • When you edit a presentation in Present Pro, you can select the Desktop, Tablet, or Phone icons above the canvas (green highlight below) to switch between the presentation designs for each of the possible device types.

Note: Although you initially create the presentation for your main device type, you then edit the presentation to create additional designs for each of the possible device types.

Device types

The supported "device types" are:

  • Desktop: The presentation design that is optimized for desktop viewing.
  • Tablet: The presentation design that is optimized for tablet viewing. Selecting this option ensures the slide size is optimized for tablet use.
  • Mobile: The presentation design that is optimized for mobile viewing. Selecting this option enables miniature visuals, text, buttons, and dynamic assets (dynamic images, dynamic text, dynamic URLs, and dynamic jump actions).

Optimize Presentations for Mobile

Note: Presentations for mobile phones must be built from the desktop or tablet application; they cannot be built from the mobile phone app.

Optimize presentations for mobile phone by building them in Phone mode.

Presentations viewed on a phone will only display text, buttons, and dynamic assets, if it was built in Phone mode. If the presentation was not built in Phone mode, only data visuals will appear when the presentation is viewed on a phone.

Optimize for Multiple Devices

You can easily optimize a single presentation for multiple device types. To do this, simply click the icon of the required device, then rearrange the content to fit the chosen device.

Note: when optimizing for Mobile, assets in the presentation such as buttons, text, and images (not visuals) will not appear in the mobile view; they must be added manually as needed.

Once the presentation type has been "converted," any changes made in one format will not affect the other formats.

Save the presentation as usual.

Whenever the presentation is accessed, it will automatically open in the device type of the device being used.