Access Discover Lite

Users have several ways to access Discover Lite. Based on the user's profile, launching Discover will automatically take them to the Discover Lite tool.

Users can also access Discover Lite from visuals in a presentation, or from visuals using a link. This flexibility in accessing Discover Lite is designed to help users perform data analysis on-the-fly.

Tip: Once you have accessed Discover Lite, you can use the Chatbot and other AI intelligence features to create and analyze your Discoveries based on your own natural language prompts. For more information about this functionality, see Natural Language Interfaces.

Access from Discover

If the user's Profile provides access to Discover Lite, the Discover Lite tool opens when the user launches Discover (as opposed to taking the user to Discover Pro).

Discover Homepage

To launch Discover, click one of the Discover access points (red highlights and arrows below) from the homepage:

Note: If you are creating a New Discovery, you need to select the required Server, Database, and Model next (we have filtered the server list to show only IMDBs in the following image). To learn more about opening data models in Discover, click here.

Discover Tab Menu

Alternatively, you can create a New Discovery by opening the module menu and selecting New Discovery:

Again, select the required Server, Database, and Model as described above.

"Quick Open"

Another option is Quick Open (green arrow), which offers a fast way to find and open content without leaving the App Tab interface. It opens an explorer-like interface including the current user's folders, together with recent and favorites, and also offers a quick search choice. For more information, see Quick Open.

Access from Content Explorer

You can open visuals in Discover Lite by opening the Content Explorer (red arrow), locating your Discovery in your Favorites, Recent, File System, or by Searching (green), and then using the standard content item options to open the Discovery. For more information, see Accessing Content.

Access from Present

You can open visuals in Discover Lite by launching the presentation at runtime, and then doing one of the following:

  • Right-click on the relevant visual and select Extended Operations > Analyze Further from the context menu (see below).
  • Click Analyze Further from the visual's panel tools (top-right).

The visual opens in the Discover Lite tool, where you can perform further analysis on it. For more information, see Analyze Further.

Access from a Link

When a data discovery or presentation is opened using a link, you can select Analyze Further from the right-click context menu of the visual. The discovery opens in Discover Lite.