Present Lite Slides and sections

When you build your presentation, you’ll typically add new slides ("pages" in your presentation), move them around, and delete the slides that you no longer need. All of these actions, along with the creation of sections, which are used in tables of contents and slide navigation, are enabled in the Slides panel. This panel (typically at the left of the canvas) allows you to interact with the slides structure, using drag and drop to change the order of slides in your presentation, and allows you to double-click slides to open them on the canvas for editing.

The sections in this topic describe the main functionality of the Slides panel, and then the right-click options (the context menu) within the Slides panel.

Slides panel

Note: When you view the final presentation at runtime, the sequence of the slides in the presentation will match the final sequence of slides in this panel. Note that the first slide in the sequence looks different in the example. You can give your first slide a different appearance to the others by selecting the Show Cover option on the Present Lite ribbon. For more information, see Present Lite Ribbon.




Add Slide

Green arrow

Add a new slide to your presentation. The new slide is added immediately after the currently selected slide or, if a section is selected, at the end of that section.

Tip: You can, alternatively, create a new slide from either the option on the overhead ribbon or the right-click context menu.


Blue arrow

Your slides can be organized into meaningful "sections" for easy reading. For example, a global business could create sections of slides reflecting each region or each area of the business.

  • Sections can be collapsed and expanded in the Slides panel.
  • At runtime, Sections will be used as headers in any Tables of Contents that you have added as Text Fields to your presentation. Sections will also be used in the runtime navigation, where the navigation uses Tabs or a Drop-down menu.*


Red box

Each slide is represented by a thumbnail. The thumbnail gives a visual impression of what is on the slide. You can double-click the thumbnail to open the slide on the canvas for editing.

Note: The slide that is currently selected in the panel is highlighted using a border.

Slide name

Orange arrow

Each slide has a number and name. The number is assigned automatically based on the position of the slide, and the name can be updated at any time to reflect the slide's content.

* The Runtime navigation option is configured for your presentation in the master. it can only be changed by a Present Pro user.

Slides context menus

The right-click context menu allows you to interact with the slides and sections in the Slides panel. The options differ depending on whether a slide or section is selected:


What is selected?


Add Slide

Anything in panel

Add a new slide to your presentation. The new slide is added immediately after the currently selected slide, at the end of the slide sequence if no slide is selected, or, if a section is selected, at the end of that section.

Tip: Alternatively, you can add a new slide using the option in the overhead ribbon.

Rename Slide


Change the name of the Slide. Note: This does not affect the slide number, which is automatically assigned based on the slide's position in the presentation.

Duplicate Slide


Create a copy of the selected slide in the same location as the original.

Copy Slide


Copy the slide to your clipboard.

Paste Slide

Panel or Slide

Paste a copied slide from your clipboard to the current location.

Delete Slide


Remove the slide from the presentation entirely.

Add Section


Create a new section with a custom name to group one or more of your slides. Note: A Default Section is created to contain any slides that are not added to your custom sections.

Rename Section


Change the name of the Section.

Delete Section


Remove the section from the presentation entirely. When you delete a section, you do not delete its slides. The slides are either moved to the Default Section or, if you are deleting the last section, to no longer be in any section.

Expand Sections

Anything in panel

Open all the sections in the Slides panel. This allows you to see all the slides in the panel.

Collapse Sections

Anything in panel

Close all the sections in the Slides panel. This hides the slides but allows you to see the section structure.

Direct URL Link to Slide


Copy the URL to your clipboard. A user with appropriate access can use this URL to open the runtime version of the presentation starting at the selected slide.

Note: The URL query string points to the slide using its presentation ID and slide number. If you delete the slide at this location (you linked to slide six and now your presentation only has five slides), the link will go to the home page for the presentation. If you delete the entire presentation, clicking the link will show an error.