System Info

To open the System Info panel, click the User Details & Settings button (indicated by the purple arrow below) from the homepage:

The System Info panel displays:

  • Logout: click to logout of Pyramid.
  • User: shows the current user's username.
    • When using internal authentication ("database"), there is an option to Change Password from this panel.
  • Last Login: shows the time and date of this user's last login.
  • Email: the current user's email; click the email to make changes.
    • Depending on the authentication provider, the email will be imported when the user is added (like from Active Directory). If the user's email address is changed here, it will override the email in Active Directory.
  • Phone: the current user's phone number.
    • Depending on the authentication provider, the phone number will be imported when the user is added (like from Active Directory). If the user's phone number is changed here, it will override the number in Active Directory.
    • The phone number must be written with the correct international prefix.
  • Tenant: the tenant the user is assigned to.
  • Avatar: click the Edit icon to import a new image from its file location and use it as a profile picture.
  • Authentication Token: click the Copy icon to copy this user's authentication key to the clipboard.
  • Certification: the number and level of certificates that the user has earned in the Learning Hub (not shown).
  • Interface: the current application interface color; select from dark or light.
  • Application Language: change the application language.
  • Show Quick Start: deselect to disable the learning center panel and display the User Hub instead.
  • Show Viewer Mode: view the application in Viewer mode instead of "Pro" mode.
  • Version: the version that is currently running.
  • Authentication Method: the authentication method that has been set by the admin.