Generative AI Integration

Use Pyramid's generative AI features to generate scripts and images, dynamic text and infographics, calculations and lists, schedules, colors, and more; making use of an underlying Large Language Model (LLM). This allows you to generate a range of content, including complex code, simply by providing a text prompt that describes what you want in natural language.

Note: Admins can enable Generative AI Features, and select the LLM engine that drives those features, using the Generative AI Features settings on the AI Settings page.

A core tenet of Decision Intelligence is AI and augmented analytics, which enables users to implement predictive and even prescriptive analytics. A variety of Pyramid's core functionalities are driven by AI, optimizing the user's experience from end-to-end. This includes tools for heuristics, automated data mining, predictive analysis, deep learning, and ultimately AI in the context of data and its analysis.

In addition, AI is integrated throughout the Pyramid platform to enhance data modeling, data science, storyboard and publication design, and decision modeling. Pyramid facilitates the use of a number of LLM engines (such as OpenAI's ChatGPT engine) for a range of functions, including auto generating scripts, dynamic text, colors, and images.

Warning: AI-generated assets are generated from public domain algorithms, which can produce both erroneous and inconsistent or random results. Use at your own risk.

Where is AI Integrated?

Pyramid Apps


You can use the Generate your script dialog to generate SQL, DAX, and MDX code for complex data extraction queries in data modeling, and to generate R and Python ML scripts that can be used to produce ML models. You can also use the Explain Code feature to generate an explanation of your scripts (where the script is generated using AI or not).

You can use AI to generate categories (such as date-time, geospatial, or machine learning) for columns in your model that have not been explicitly assigned a category.

You can add Gen-AI nodes to your data flow that automatically translate data, asses its sentiment, and transform it in response to your general text prompts.


You can also use the LLM PQL Function to produce dynamic actions and alert schedules.


You can use the LLM PQL Function to build custom Members (formulas), Lists, KPIs, and Scripts. When working in script mode, the function lets you generate scripts based on a given prompt.


  • You can generate scripts to build spreadsheet formulas directly into your business models in Tabulate.
  • Present and Publish

    You can use the AI Image Generator to create images based on text prompts. This can help you to quickly and easily design your presentations and add custom graphics.

    You can also use the LLM PQL Function to produce dynamic text, place holders, and tooltips to dynamically display AI-generated text. In Presentations, you can incorporate this function into alert schedules, tooltips , actions, and jump actions.

    In Publications, you can also use the LLM PQL Function to define triggered scheduling, as well as report and page triggers.


  • You can use the LLM PQL Function to produce dynamic text, place holder, tooltip, and infographic formulations, which can then be saved, shared, and used in presentations and publications.
  • Common Interfaces

    Color Picker

    Use the Find a Color feature to generate a color using Pyramid's generative AI integration. The Color Picker is used in several locations across Discover, Present, Publish, Illustrate, and Tabulate. The Color Picker is used to change the background color of reports and charts, and to change font colors for titles, labels, and more.


    Pyramid facilitates the scheduling and distribution of a number of tasks; these schedules can be configured based on PQL statements. The LLM PQL Function can be used to build scripts throughout the Pyramid platform for triggered scheduling, for alerts, publications and on-demand schedules

    LLM PQL Function

    Important: This function was formerly called the ChatGPT PQL Function, and ChatGpt remains an alternative name for the LLM Function.

    The Pyramid Query Language or PQL (pronounced 'Prequel') is a language built into Pyramid's PYRANA engine to allow users to construct queries that can run against the many SQL data stacks that Pyramid can query natively. PQL includes a vast array of operations and functions that allows users to query data and build analytical logic.

    Use the LLM PQL Function from the Common PQL functions to write PQL expressions and generate various assets. You can add additional information and background to your presentation; it cannot tell you about your data set.

    The LLM PQL Function supports functionality in a number of locations, including:

    Explain Script

    Use the Explain Script function (arrow) to produce an AI-generated explanation of what the script does. Each time you click the Explain Script button, a new explanation is generated. This explanation can be generated regardless of the method used to generate the script itself. For more information, see Explain Script.