Access Discover Pro

Users with the appropriate license type and Profile permissions are able to access Discover Pro and use all of the Discover Pro capabilities. Click here to understand more about the different types of Discover tools and the different access rights.

Launching Discover

To launch Discover, click one of the Discover access points from the homepage. If the profile you're assigned to has been given standard Discover access (instead of "Lite" access), this button will launch the Discover Pro module.

You can also open a new discovery from within a module by opening the module menu:

Opening a Data Model

The first thing you need to do when you are creating a new discovery is to open the data model that you want to analyze. You do this by making the relevant selections from the New Discover page.

With Explorer (blue, below) selected in the toolbar:

  1. In the Servers column, choose the server.
    • Use Search (red, above) to filter servers by name.
    • Use the Data Type drop-down (yellow) to only display servers of the selected type.
    • Use the Sort By drop-down (green) to arrange the servers by name, data source type, or to arrange by folder. The folder name can be created when creating the data source.

    Note: The filter and sort selections are saved within the session, so any subsequent visual will default to the sort and filter selections.

    Note: Hover your cursor over the server to see the server name, type, and description as a tooltip.

  2. In the Databases column, select the required database within the given server.
  3. In the Models column, select the data model that you are interested in.

Note: Apart from entering Discover Pro, you can also use this entry point to launch Smart Discover, create a visual by running a Natural Language Query ("Ask a Question") and Auto Discover.

Once you have selected your data model, you will be presented with the data model in the Discover Pro interface shown below, and you can begin querying the model.

Note: You can also type your question directly into the search bar in the middle of the page; opening the Chatbot and using AI to build your visual. For more information, see Type your question.

Model Variations

There are slight variations here depending on the type of model technology: