Viewer Mobile Navigation


From the home page you can switch between Recent, Favorites, and Suggested (auto-recommended) views (purple highlight).

Click a content item to open it (yellow arrow):

Content Explorer

Click the folder icon (blue arrow) to open the Content Explorer, where you can access Workgroup and Public folders.


Click the Pin icon (orange arrow) to go to the feeds, where you can view the Alerts, Subscriptions, and Publications Feeds.

Where there are new alerts, subscriptions, or publications for you to look at, you will see a notification "badge" on the Pin icon. The number on the badge indicates how many notifications have been received but not yet looked at. When the number goes above a maximum, a plus + symbol is used to indicate that there are more unread notifications than the number shown.


You can download a publication in PDF format by clicking on it from the Publication Feed.


From feeds, switch to the Alerts tab to view your Alerts Feed.


Click the A-Z sorting icon to sort content items in alphabetical order on the Recent, Favorites, and Suggested pages.


Click the filter icon to filter by content type (discoveries or presentations).


Click the refresh icon to refresh the current page.


Click the context menu to logout.