Creating Slicers in Present Lite

A "slicer" comprises a list of member elements from a model hierarchy that you can use to filter the query by one or more elements at runtime. For example, if you add the Country hierarchy to a drop-down slicer, you can use it to filter the data query to include data from just one selected country from the hierarchy.

Slicers can also be used with measures to drive slightly different mechanisms, including:

  • A "switching" effect, where the measure can be swapped out using the measure slice. These are known as variable measure sets.
  • A "parameterization" effect, where a VALUE filter can be built using a given measure to numerically filter the query. (See below for more information.)

Slicers at runtime

Typically, slicers on your presentation look like drop-down lists that you can select one or more options from to filter and highlight the items in your presentation dynamically at runtime. When you select slices from your slicer, the visuals or other slicers in the presentation are dynamically filtered or highlighted to reflect your selection. In the following example, the selection from the slicer (green arrow), causes the two visuals to be filtered (the green highlights show the filtering applied to the target visuals).

  • Click here for information about interactivity at runtime

Build a new slicer

From the Toolbox:

  1. Click Add New Slicer in the Toolbox.
  2. In the New Slicer pop up, select the required data model in the Choose Model panel. This is the model containing the member hierarchy you intend to use as your slicer.
  3. From the Choose Data panel, select the hierarchy you want to use; the given hierarchy will immediately appear on the current slide.

Note: The slicer and its target should typically be selected from the same data model. Otherwise, Pyramid may not know how to map the elements between the two models and may show an error at runtime.

Manage Slicers

Hide Slicers

By default, slicers added to your presentation appear on the slide where they are placed. You can hide slicers from the slide using the Hide on this slide option on the right-click context menu. These hidden slicers, and slicers that appear on other slides in the presentation, are shown in the Slicers panel and are accessed at runtime from the Present runtime menu. To "unhide" (show) a slicer, drag it from the Slicer panel onto the canvas.

  • Click here for more information about the Slicers panel and hidden slicers

Detach Slicers

The Detach Slicer function offers a simple way to remove slicer interactions from content on slides other than the one currently being viewed.

You should find the instance of the slicer that you want to preserve; this should be the slide where you want to retain the slicer interactions.

You will be presented with the Detach Slicers dialog, where you can select one of the following options:

  • Detach Slicer Interactions: Remove the slicer's interactions throughout the presentation, except on the current slide.
  • Detach Slicer Interactions and Hide: Remove the slicer's interaction from the other slides, and hide the slicer so that it won't be displayed on slides where it doesn't have any interactions. In this case, the slicer is moved onto the Hidden Slicers panel.
  • Cancel: Cancel the operation and retain the slicer's interactions.

Slicer Search

When the presentation is launched at runtime, you can search slicer elements in drop-down using the slicer search bar:

Delete Slicers

To delete a slicer, right-click on it (on the canvas or from the Slicers panel) and click Delete from the context menu.

Where the slicer is local to the publication (was built as a new slicer in the presentation) is not linked to a discovery) it is deleted from Pyramid. Where the slicer is a preexisting one added from the Content panel, it is removed from the publication, but not from Pyramid.