User Hub
The User Hub consists of a collage of existing content displayed on the home page of the main client interface for Pyramid.
The user hub is defined by the Admin, but each user can edit their own view of the user hub.
Access the User Hub
To open the hub, go to the My Hub tab (blue highlight below) in the Content Manager.
Navigate the User Hub
- Tabs: click the relevant tab to open it (orange highlight below).
- Reset All:reset all items in the hub to their most recently saved state (yellow arrow below).
- Rerun Queries: run all queries in the hub (green arrow below).
- Edit: edit the hub template (purple arrow below).
Content Types
The user hub can display the following types of content:
- Widget Presets: a selection of pre-designed widgets featuring various views from the Content Manager.
- Discoveries and Presentations: data discoveries and presentations can be added directly to the hub within their own containers.
In the image below, the 2 green arrows indicate data discoveries; the red arrow indicates a presentation, and the yellow arrow indicates a widget preset.
Edit the User Hub
Click the Edit icon to open the User Hub in edit mode. Once in edit mode, you can resize and reposition the widgets and containers as needed. A number of functions for editing will be exposed.
Macro Functions
The macro functions (yellow highlight below) for editing are found along the top of the hub editor.
- Add Tab: add a new tab to the hub.
- Delete Tab: click a tab's "x" to delete it.
- Rename Tab: tabs are automatically named "Tab 1", "Tab 2", etc. Click the tab header to rename it (purple highlight above).
- Add Content or Widget: find and select content or widgets to add to the current tab.
- Reset: discard changes and revert to the default user hub.
- Tab Manager: open the Tab Manager to see a list of current tabs.
- Save: save changes to all tabs and exit edit mode.
- Cancel: discard all changes and exit edit mode.
Tab Manager
Open the Tab Manager to see a list of current tabs. The list displays any new tabs added by to the template by the Admin. Click the corresponding icon (yellow highlight below) to add the new tab to your hub.
Container Functions
Drag, drop, and resize (yellow arrow below) the containers as needed from edit mode. The following functions are found at the top right of the widget and content containers.
- Optimize Size: (only for presentations) optimize the container size to the presentation size (green arrow below).
- Switch To: swap the widget out for a different item (red arrow below).
- Remove: remove the widget from the tab (purple arrow below).
Add Content or Widget
You can add widget presets, data discoveries, and presentations to the hub. The "Add Content or Widget" button appears in the macro functions (yellow arrow below), and as a tile on new tabs (purple highlight below). This opens a content directory (yellow highlight below) that exposes several content manager views and widget presets; click on the relevant item to add it to the current tab.

- Favorites: a flat listing of all content items and folders that the user has flagged as their favorites.
- Recent: a flat listing of all recently used content items by the current user.
- Content Explorer: a folder and item interface allowing users to organize and manage their content and folders.
- Most Used: a flat listing of the top 20 most used content - as measured across all users on the system.
- User Recommended: a flat listing of the top 20 most recommended content items.
- Search: a combination function and view, allowing users to find things in the system, then use the results like any other item listing with standard content actions and tools.
- Widget Presets: add various homepage and content manager views directly to the current tab within a widget.
- Use the URL widget to load a URL in an iframe; paste the URL into the URL field.