AI Slide Insights

Slide insights provide an AI-automated analysis of a given slide and dynamically generate output that is returned in natural language. The insights will change dynamically as the data in the slide changes. The Insights are displayed in a box that can be positioned and formatted anywhere on the slide. This information is produced by analyzing the data in the slide. The insights can be customized by selecting the required user tone and verbosity in the Settings dialog box.

Slide Insights will not operate without an LLM provider

Insight Content

The insights are generated in the current user's chosen application language. This includes support for right-to-left text in Hebrew or Arabic. It combines analysis of information from the following categories:

  • Basic Facts: Standard metric analysis, including the average, maximum, minimum, dispersion, median and standard deviation.
  • Pareto Analysis: The value's total and top n and bottom n that account for a certain percentage.
  • Relationships: Any positive or negative metric correlations, relationships, and a correlation statistic.
  • Trends: Uses regression analysis with r-squared and slope coefficients to explain how changes to a metric affects another metric, the closeness of fit score, and the slope correlation
  • Forecasts: Best fit forecasting (across eight different algorithms) if the query contains a date-time hierarchy to predict whether a value will increase or decrease over a certain period and by how much, with the range of fluctuation
  • Outliers: Displays the top three most outstanding data points in the query. It also shows the probability density for each outlier.
  • Categorical Analysis: Depending on the amount of data in the query, categorical insights may display information about comparatives, correlations, and forecasts.


Click on the #SlideInsights label on the canvas to access the Settings for the Slide Insights. From here, users can select the required User Tone and Verbosity from the drop-down options in the settings dialog box and then click apply.

  • User Tone Type: Select from the options in the drop-down to determine the tone of the text message used for the insights.
  • LLM Verbosity: Select Low, Medium, or High to determine the level of detail and explanation for the insights.

Example Result